Male Pregnancy ver. 1.0 & 1.2
Compatible with:
Compatible with:
Fan Requested Flavors
Compatible with:
EP compatible additions
These are addon packs and can be added to one of the main mod versions.
Only choose one addon pack at a time!
This Mod activates male pregnancies! This means your male Sims can be impregnated by either Alien Females or Human females. There is however a 80% chance for females. Therefore your female can fail to be pregnant, while the man starts showing signs of a pregnancy a few hours afterwards.
[WARNING! Don't use this mod if you are not okay with your male sims being impregnated after trying for woohoo with their human wifes or girl friends! Don't say I didn't warn you about this!]
The mod works with the following interactions:
Bed Try For Baby
Rocketship Try for Baby
Telescope Try for Baby
Tent Try for Baby (Outdoor Retreat)
Version 1.2 finally provides the missing feature that was patched out in the April patch! Males can finally become pregnant from their female Aliens! Human females won't impregnate males any longer. Use this version if you don't want everybody to be able to become pregnant by human intercourse... lol...
Main Versions:
Male Pregnancy 1.0: Males can become pregnant when they Try For Baby with Females. This being said, it's all females, Alien, Human etc.
Male Pregnancy 1.2: Males can only be impregnated by female Alien Sims! Finally the wait is over and you can use the old system that Maxis wanted to add to the game when the EP1 came out
Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (50%): Gives the "Try for Baby" a 50% chance of being pregnant!
Addon packs:
Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (Outdoor Retreat) addon for the 1.2 version of the main mod.
Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (50% Outdoor Retreat) addon for the 1.2 version of the main mod. Gives the "Tent Try for Baby" a 50% chance of being pregnant!
This mod is compatible with the new patch version:
Conflicts with every mod that tries to change the "Try For Baby" interactions!